Merry Christmas from iOSXpert!
We would like to thank you for the excellent cooperation. This year in particular, in view of the crises in the world, we have become aware of how...
Season’s Greetings with Daylite
Christmas mailing comes but once a year. Have you already made up your mind how your annual Christmas greetings shall look like? Take advantage of...
Web&Map 2.0 for Daylite – Now with Apple Maps and more than 15 new features!
Web&Map now integrates Apple Maps and offers you up to 15 new features for subscribers. Our free update now offers you: • 3D view and gesture...
Daylite in Action!
What is it, what an insurance agency, a interior studio and two wedding photographers have in common? All of them are using Daylite to simplify...
New Business Hours
More time for your calls and questions! As of now we offer you extended business hours and North American phone numbers: Canada: +1...
Sales Cockpit for Daylite is here!
Keep an eye on your revenues with the new Sales Cockpit for Daylite. The Multi-stage pipelines indicate how much revenue is to be expected from your...
DayliteTip: Optimize your projects with pipelines
Process optimization with Daylite Pipelines Many projects are routine. Answering requests in the user support or dealing with the sales process...
DayliteTip: Daylite and MacBook Pro Touch Bar
Using the Touch Bar in combination with Daylite Apple has offered MacBooks with Touch Bar for several years. A helpful tool that only replaces the...
iOSXpert wishes Merry Christmas!
It has been an eventful year this year. Our team has grown and we took the opportunity to move into a new office parallel to the 10th...
The new reports in the PluginCenter are here!
The new reports in the PluginCenter are here! Use our advanced reports and print layouts for Daylite! Generate beautiful PDFs and printouts of your...
ProductivityTools 2.3 – Automated Actions with DayliteAutomator
Automate your Daylite workflows with the new ProductivityTools: •  DayliteAutomator •  CalendarAssistent • Copy formatted tables from Daylite to...
Update: EmailMarketing 3.1 – with MailChimp Analytics!
Get more out of your newsletter campaigns with our free update for the Daylite EmailMarkteting plugin. From now on with MailChimp Analytics you can...