Out now: The Meeting Wizard

Out now: The Meeting Wizard

Do you know what it’s like: you want to meet with colleagues, but finding a slot can be tedious and stressful. Who is free, when, and at what time? Who is out of office? Who is available? Finding a suitable date can be challenging, particularly in larger teams...
iOWeb and iOWeblink Update

iOWeb and iOWeblink Update

We have extended the range of functions for editing Daylite data via a web browser. iOWeb, the feature for our Plus Package customers to edit Daylite data in the browser, has been extended to include the opportunities area. This way you can also enter data in Daylite...
Canny – Feature Request

Canny – Feature Request

All our enhancements and features for Daylite have always come from our customers’ requests. We listened to what could be done better and then implemented it. And just like it is our style, we are now trying to perfect listening. As of now, we have a new site...
New: Two-Factor-Authentication (2FA)

New: Two-Factor-Authentication (2FA)

Passwords alone are often no longer secure enough. You need an extra layer of security to protect your company’s and your customers’ data and ensure that only the right people have access to your information. That’s where two-factor authentication...
Resource Planning in Kanban-Style in Daylite

Resource Planning in Kanban-Style in Daylite

Reclaim control and the overview of your task planning! The global TimeBoard gives you control over your task planning and that of your team. All tasks that have no start date or start date in the past are displayed in one column. Drag and drop the Task Ticket to the...