Daylite Support
Free Support

We offer Daylite users the following free support:
- Use of our HelpCenter, with over 1000 articles
- Access to selected Daylite Academy courses
- E-mail support for application questions about our Daylite extensions
- E-mail support for technical problems with Daylite
- Downloads
Daylite Business Coaching

If you accept one of our Daylite business coaching offers, we offer you the following additional services:
- Support for technical problems with Daylite via telephone & remote maintenance
- Support for Daylite workflow issues via telephone & remote maintenance
- Individual training for you and your team
- Access to all online training courses of the Daylite Academy with over 20 hours of video training
System Requirements
 – compatible
– support ended
 – not compatible

Remote Support via TeamViewer
We use the remote maintenance software ‘TeamViewer’ for assistance on the phone. TeamViewer allows us to access your computer(s) over the Internet as if we were sitting right in front of it. This allows us to solve even complex problems for which you would otherwise need an expert on-site.
 In addition, this reduces costs, since there are no travel expenses.