Web browser access to Daylite with iOAccount & iOWeb

Web browser access to Daylite with iOAccount & iOWeb

We have been working on this project for more than a year: View and modify Daylite data via your web browser. Today, we are proud to exclusively provide this functionality free of charge to our Daylite+ customers. Use a web browser to work with your Daylite data. To...
How we work remotely at iOSXpert

How we work remotely at iOSXpert

We at iOSXpert have been working remotely for more than a decade: More than 90% of our entire sales and consulting process takes place without physical contact to the customer. Over the years, we have optimized our processes in such a way that we can continue to work...
Our Series on Remote Working – Telephony, also from home

Our Series on Remote Working – Telephony, also from home

We have been using a telephone system from the STARFACE company for years. This system is available both as a real physical telephone system and as a cloud-based solution. The advantage of the cloud-based system is that no hardware is required. The telephone system...
Our Series on Remote Working: Double Robotics Telepresence Robot

Our Series on Remote Working: Double Robotics Telepresence Robot

Our colleague, who heads the North American office, always works remotely. Even though video conferences, Slack, and telephone are good ways of working together over distance, we have always missed the opportunity to spontaneously enter into a conversation with the...