Availability during holiday season

Due to the company Christmas party our office will be closed on December 22nd. On December 23rd only a skeleton crew will be available from 11:00 CET (UTC +1) through 17:00 CET (UTC +1) to cover cases of technical emergencies and last-minute orders. From December 24th...

New website online!

On time for the Daylite 6 release we have revamped our website. Find things quicker due to a streamlined page structure. Our new help/download area provides you quick access to all downloads, manuals and FAQs. Our goal was making your visit of our webpage as enjoyable...
PluginCenter beta test goes live

PluginCenter beta test goes live

Experience a whole new way to manage plugins in Daylite 6. All our Daylite enhancements are now located in the Daylite preferences under iOSXpert Plugins. The PluginCenter allows you to install, de-install plugins and soon also to purchase and subscribe. Try our...