Sep 23, 2021
The GDPR has stirred up a lot of dust and has not left us alone either. We were particularly concerned about supporting you as a Daylite user in fulfilling your duties to disclose information to your customers. What exactly can you do...
Sep 15, 2021
Do you already know the ImportAssistant? This function helps you to import addresses of a person or a company into Daylite with one click. It sounds a little tedious, but it can save you a lot of time in your daily work. Imagine you receive an e-mail from a...
Aug 13, 2021
Click, click, click – oops, deleted. Surely you have already deleted a person, an appointment, or a task by mistake in the heat of the moment and then realized afterward that you misclicked? We have good news for you: In Daylite, these records are not deleted...
Jan 16, 2020
From the first ring, you can see who is calling with our Daylite extension Fone&Text. The Fone&Text window opens automatically on incoming calls and shows you the essential information about your caller: Is a customer calling or the supplier you asked to call...