Jan 18, 2023
Passwords alone are often no longer secure enough. You need an extra layer of security to protect your company’s and your customers’ data and ensure that only the right people have access to your information. That’s where two-factor authentication...
Oct 31, 2022
“Using Missive has led to the biggest productivity boost for us in the last 10 years. Working with email is finally fun again!” Responding to customer inquiries promptly and reliably is an important part of general customer satisfaction. We receive dozens...
Sep 13, 2022
Have you just sent out an offer and are still waiting for your customer to respond? Has your customer already looked at the estimate, or is it still sitting unopened in their email inbox? When would be the best time to follow up? Of course you can send your offers by...
Aug 30, 2022
Many of our customers have been waiting for this: Boards for Opportunities! You know how it’s like: Opportunities in Daylite can often have a lot of tasks, similar to projects. You love our Kanban Boards for projects because the status of tasks can be visualized...
Jun 27, 2022
Are you familiar with our ContactBoards? If you work in recruitment or real estate, you’ll love our new board type. Assuming you already use projects to manage a vacancy, from now on you can create a ContactBoard and see a visual status of all applicants at a...
Jun 7, 2022
Today we are excited to share our CEO Alf Ruppert’s interview with FastSpring. As a member of the FastSpring Global SaaS Leader Community, Alf contributed his experience.FastSpring, a SaaS software company, offers a full range of ecommerce services for companies, that...