Aug 5, 2021
Did you know that in Daylite’s Contact Activity View you can filter for emails that contain file attachments? Who hasn’t experienced this: during a busy workday, emails pile up, and you remember a file attachment, but you don’t remember when and...
Aug 3, 2021
In professional life, many questions revolve around details. What was the caller’s name, and what was the call about? This Daylite tip helps! Because with Daylite, you always have all these details with you. Details, information, and meetings are essential for...
Jul 30, 2021
Within Daylite, the right mouse button menu, the so-called contextual menu, can be customize per Daylite object. Place functions that you need frequently in your daily work for quick access on the right mouse button. To do this, navigate to Daylite...
May 27, 2021
Daylite & Microsoft Teams are best friends now! Create a Teams meeting from within Daylite with just one click. Our new meeting wizard makes it as easy as possible for you. First, choose your Daylite co-workers, then add desired external contacts. External...
Nov 18, 2020
Nur noch wenige Wochen bis Weihnachten! Haben Sie sich schon Gedanken gemacht, wie Ihr alljährlicher Weihnachtsgruß aussehen soll? Nutzen Sie unseren Daylite Academy-Kurs zum Spezialpreis. Daylite Academy Kurs Weihnachtsgrüße mit Daylite inklusive...