Jan 29, 2020
When Marketcircle, the manufacturer of Daylite, announced the end of Daylite Self-Serve in 2018, the Loyalty Plan was presented at the same time: Every Daylite user who switches to the cloud receives a 24% discount per seat. With the Loyalty Plan you save 84.00...
Jan 16, 2020
From the first ring, you can see who is calling with our Daylite extension Fone&Text. The Fone&Text window opens automatically on incoming calls and shows you the essential information about your caller: Is a customer calling or the supplier you asked to call...
Dec 3, 2019
Automatic time tracking is becoming more and more important. Let’s be honest: time tracking is cumbersome and gets neglected often. Who really puts in the effort at the end of the workday to track all of the day’s activities like computer times, meetings, phone...
Sep 17, 2019
Experience how our new Boards plugin makes working with tasks and projects fun again. Having Kanban boards in your projects doesn’t just make them clearer – you can now see at a glance what status a task is in and even reduce the number of tasks altogether!...
Sep 10, 2019
With the latest release of Web&Map, we deliver a number of great improvements for your Daylite workflow! Use the web to capture addresses In the edit card for creating new companies you will now find a loupe symbol next to the name field. Click on the loupe to...