To make it as easy as possible for our customers to make an appointment with us in times like these, we use an online appointment service – in our case Acuity Scheduling.

In Acuity, we have defined bookable periods of time. Our team always offers slots between 10:00 – 13:00 and between 14:00 – 18:00. As soon as an appointment is booked via Acuity, we will receive a notification. So everybody is up to date about his appointments.

To avoid double bookings of a slot, we have connected our Daylite calendar with Acuity. This is made possible by our extension ProductivityTools. If a customer enters an appointment via Acuity or a colleague directly in Daylite, this time period is no longer bookable on our website.

Every one of us has missed an appointment or has been annoyed when a customer appointment has been canceled. With Acuity, we can send automated appointment reminders by e-mail or SMS messages. We define when and at what intervals our customers are reminded of an appointment. Best of all, we can freely adapt these appointment reminders to our design.

Using Acuity has several advantages for us:

  • We save a lot of time when making appointments, as manual coordination with the customer is no longer necessary.
  • We offer more service to our customers because they can now make an appointment with us even outside our business hours.
  • The “No Show Rate” for appointments has dropped to almost zero, because customers are reminded of the appointment and have the option to postpone or cancel the appointment in the reminder mail.

Would you like to work remotely with your team? We are happy to help our Daylite customers with the setup of Zoom and Acuity free of charge. Arrange a free appointment here:

Arrange a free appointment

More information on this topic:

We have compiled all the services that we present in our Remote Working series in a PDF for you to download.

More articles from our series about Remote Working:

Telephony, also from home

Intelligent Contact Forms on your own Website

Slack for internal Team Communication

Live-Chat on our Website

Zoom Video Conferencing with Customers and Colleagues

HELLO Cam for Video Conference Calls

Double Robotics Telepresence Robot

Relevant articles:

Online Appointment Management with Daylite

Daylite HelpCenter:

About Acuity Scheduling – Online Appointment Booking System

What are the ProductivityTools?

How do I set up Acuity integration for a Daylite single-user?

How do I set up Acuity integration for Daylite multi-users?