From the first ring, you can see who is calling with our Daylite extension Fone&Text. The Fone&Text window opens automatically on incoming calls and shows you the essential information about your caller: Is a customer calling or the supplier you asked to call you back? Does the caller speak German or English? Linked projects provide even more in-depth information: Is it about the training that is about to take place?

Within seconds you are informed about the incoming call by looking at the Fone&Text window, and you can greet your caller by name.

An invaluable advantage for teamwork: You can log the content of the phone call, delegate callbacks to colleagues and link them to Daylite objects. After being saved, the log appears in the customer history and can be viewed and tracked by your team at any time.

With Fone&Text, gone are the days of writing down phone notes on pieces of paper.

By the way: Fone&Text also works on the iPhone! Fone&Test is part of Daylite+. With Daylite+, you use all iOSXpert extensions in the package, get access to exclusive special features, like iOWeb, and 10% discount on our consulting services.

How can I use my iPhone in conjunction with Fone&Text?

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