May 13, 2015
Unfortunately we have to inform you that the LinkedIn functionality in our WebConnector plugin is not working anymore.LinkedIn has surprisingly announced that it will change ist partner program. We have tried multiple times to contact LinkedIn to become an official...
May 11, 2015
The continuous optimization of your workflows and processes is essential for the successful management of your business. We support you in this endeavor with our Daylite CRM and our plugin Time&Budget. With this you can easily evaluate your business processes,...
Apr 27, 2015
The Apple Watch – A raving successThe online pre-selling of the Apple Watch on April 10th was a big success and the watch was sold out within hours. That was to be expected because rumours about it where already around for two years. By the time Apple presented...
Apr 17, 2015
Now you can save electronically created PDF or OCR-scanned PDF with searchable text content to Daylite easily with PDF2Daylite. Save the text of your PDF as a searchable note. The original will be saved as an attachment. The note can be linked to all Daylite...
Apr 2, 2015
The Easter bunny comes to you this year with a basket full of plugins!This year we offer you a very special Easter promotion: You get 20% off of all our Daylite plugins! Just use the following coupon code during the purchase process and save...