In professional life, many questions revolve around details. What was the caller’s name, and what was the call about? This Daylite tip helps! Because with Daylite, you always have all these details with you. Details, information, and meetings are essential for customer relations. If you forget an essential agreement, you can often write off sales opportunities. Even minor mistakes can tarnish the relationship. Thus pending contracts or contract extensions can end up in tough negotiations. Daylite helps you keep track of all information and details. Easily add all information about customer contact, projects, or tasks. Daylite ensures that you have an overview of all communications with your business partners. Clearly arranged, you can see all details of your customer relationship.

Add all information

Daylite provides you with all the necessary tools to capture information. Used correctly, it creates a complete history of all conversations, emails, appointments, and meetings. Stay consistent! As soon as you receive information about contacts or details about projects and tasks, you should record them directly in Daylite. “Maintaining a customer history provides every employee with the perfect prerequisites to respond to individual customer requests and desires!” Charly Göhl, MTG Medizin-Technik Göhl, Frankfurt a. M.

More possibilities through more space

When you create a contact in Daylite, you can include more details in addition to the basic information – name, address, phone, email address. In the custom fields, you can enter information that is especially important to you. Use these fields to create even more detailed records:

  • 1. Keywords: you can use keywords to group people. Similar to groups, you can define circles of people with a characteristic in common, such as specific knowledge. This allows a more precise search, exact filtering, and easy listing of particular people, for example, to address your target group in a purposeful manner.
  • 2. People: Adding people to a contact allows you to show relationships and networks within your contact database. From families to industry networks, you can quickly map who belongs to whom.
  • 3. Custom Fields: In the custom fields, you can enter information that makes your work easier. This way, you can map even complex relationships or practical details of your customer relationships clearly and simply.

Find emails faster

Today, communication mainly takes place via email. The Daylite Mail Assistant (DMA) brings order to your mailbox. Instead of searching the email account for the subject or details, Daylite links emails to contacts. In the contact’s activity overview, you can see all emails with your contact. This way you can find your communication faster.

Record calls easily

Create quick phone notes, delegate tasks from calls, or record times: Daylite helps you with this. You can do all these steps directly during the call. How Daylite can make your phone even more intelligent, we show you here.

Appointments, meetings, and important events

Conference calls, meetings, and appointments – all important events can be found in your calendar. Daylite lets you keep track of them more easily. Whether you invite a customer to a meeting via Daylite or just link them in the appointment, you will always find all data in their activity overview in your Daylite. Whatever you want to look up in the future, you’ll find all the relevant information here.

Tasks and projects

Generally tasks accrue under their respective parent projects. By linking customers and projects, you get a handy overview of which task belongs where. However, if individual tasks arise that cannot be assigned to a project, you should still link them to the customer contact. This way, you can keep track of the fact that you have also completed this assignment.

Everything else that is important

Some information is difficult to attribute. They don’t actually belong to any project, but they also don’t belong to any task. In this case, you can use notes. Notes can be used to collect everything you need to know about your contact. Pro tip: Assign keywords to your notes. This makes it easier to search for them. The global search will find their contents, but the keywords will improve the clarity of your search results. If you use Daylite properly, you’ll save all the essential information and details right when you get them. With Daylite, you’ll save valuable time and have all the information about your clients and contacts in one place.