Oct 17, 2014
Daylite 5.0.6 and Daylite 4.4 are now availableToday Daylite 5.0.6 for the Mac, Daylite Mail Assistant, and Daylite Server Admin are now available in the app. Daylite 4.4 was also released, details below.Daylite 5.0.6EnhancementsAdds compatibility with Mac OS X 10.10...
Oct 17, 2014
842 hours and 37 minutes: That’s how much work the fabulous iOSXpert team under the direction of Maike Hilt put into our new website to make it more attractive for you. Find much more information much quicker than before: On our service, on our methods, on our...
Sep 4, 2014
We noticed problems with Dialectic under Mavericks while the same version of Dialectic works w/o any issues under Lion and Mountain Lion. Since FoneConnector still works in conjunction with Phone Amego and iSoftphone, which use the same technology as Dialectic to...
Sep 4, 2014
With Daylite it is possible to work on any place – wherever you want.
Sep 4, 2014
Learn about the new Features from FoneConnector 4.How to delegate calls to your colleague:It is possible to delegate a call back to your colleague in the callwindow.1. Go in the callwindow to the settings:2. Choose “delegate call back”:3. Choose the...