Our development team worked very hard on improving the usability of the WebConnector.
And now you will be rewarded for our efforts: With the WebConnector 3.0.

Check out the new features:

  • Restructured user interface

You will now find an URL bar within the WebConnector which grants you access to the web and allows you a specified search in just one step. You can also define your own layout: Define categories and bring even more structure into your preferred services.

WebConnector 3.0 Google EN

  • XING: Import and update particular contacts

Import or update a contact from XING into Daylite with just one click. You can link several e- mail addresses, phone numbers, postal addresses or instant messenger accounts to one individual contact. You can also save the profile picture directly from XING to Daylite.

  • LinkedIn: Import and update the LinkedIn contacts

Import the profile picture, name and the LinkedIn-URL of all your Daylite contacts with just one click.

  • URL templates

Integrate additional web services into the WebConnector with our preconfigurated URL templates. Our manual will give you detailed instructions on the necessary steps. Of course you can also just ask us for assistance!

WebConnector 3.0 Editor EN

  • Global search

The global search in the left column grants you easy access to the web: Search in any web service for a contact in just one click!

  • Subscribe

You can also rent the WebConnector as a monthly service. This way you are always up-to- date and can be sure you always have the newest web services.

More information and video-tutorials