Technical support

Are you stuck and need help?
We help you with personal support to keep your business running.


First 30 minutes free of charge

Plus Package Customers

Our Plus Package customers receive screen support at a special rate.

€ 35,- per case up to max. 30 minutes

Business Coaching Customers

As a Daylite Business Coaching customer, you benefit from direct support without an appointment.

Any costs incurred will be charged to your credit to the minute.

Daylite Customers

If you are not a Business Coaching or Plus Package customer, you will receive on-screen support for

€ 65,- per case up to max. 30 minutes.


Create a free support ticket (up to 72 hours waiting time)


Our Daylite HelpCenter with over 1000 articles and video tutorials is available to you free of charge and answers many questions about using Daylite and our plugins.

Report a bug

Have you found a bug or suspect that something is not working properly in Daylite? Then please contact us using the following form. Please understand that we cannot answer user questions about Daylite via this channel.


Download the latest versions of Daylite and Daylite extensions (plugins).

Free Support for new customers

Are you using our support for the first time? Then we’ll give you the first 30 minutes of support* for free!
Benefit from our personal support to clarify your questions about Daylite quickly and effectively.

* The first free support appointment applies once for each company. If your company has already taken advantage of the free support, we will charge € 35 for Plus Package customers and € 65 for all other customers.

System requirements

 – compatible
– support ended
 – not compatible

System Requirements iOS 24/09
System Requirements MacOS Oktober 2022
System Requirements iOS 24/09

Remote maintenance via Zoom

We use Zoom software for telephone support. In addition to creating and participating in video conferences, Zoom also allows us to access other computers via the internet. This makes it possible to control them as if we were sitting right in front of them. This allows us to solve even complex problems for which you would otherwise need a specialist on site.
 This also reduces costs, as there are no travel costs involved.