We noticed problems with Dialectic under Mavericks while the same version of Dialectic works w/o any issues under Lion and Mountain Lion. Since FoneConnector still works in conjunction with Phone Amego and iSoftphone, which use the same technology as Dialectic to communicate with FC, Dialectic must have changed something. We already contacted Dialectic support multiple times but unfortunately haven’t heard anything back from them. In the meantime the only workaround would be to use Phone Amego (http://www.sustworks.com/pa_guide/) instead of Dialectic.

Regarding switching over to Phone Amego – On outbound calls FC triggers the phone app that your Mac associated with the “tel” command. This command is being used to transfer the phone number to the associated app to get the call initiated. If you’d like to use a different phone app there is no easy way to switch between those apps, as OS X doesn’t provide any GUI to that. However, it is possible to do this using the third party software “RCDefaultApp” (#).

In order to check/change the current association please do the following:- Install the RCDefaultApp- Open your Mac’s system preferences and start “Default Apps”- Select the “URLs” tab- scroll down and select “tel”- view/change the associated app on the right hand side of the window