Get more out of your newsletter campaigns with our free update for the Daylite EmailMarkteting plugin.
From now on with MailChimp Analytics you can analize the clicking and reading behavior of your newsletter recipients directly in Daylite.

EmailMarketing with MailChimp Analytics

Create meaningful lists of your newsletter recipients based on opening rates and clicking behavior.

Learn which customers are really interested in your content and follow-up more efficiently.

Analize individual campaigns or compare the progress of your newsletter group across multiple campaigns.

MailChimp Analytics automatically imports click rates into your Daylite CRM and thereby brings together marketing and sales.

EmailMarketing Online Training

You would like to learn more about the new analysis possibilities? Register for one of our online trainings now!

Content of training:

– Create and transfer recipients lists from Daylite to MailChimp
– Analyse open and click bevavior directly in Daylite
– Generate segments on the basis of analysis results

Try EmailMarketing Plugin for Daylite

You don’t know EmailMarketing for Daylite yet?
No problem! Try EmailMarketing for 30 days completely free of charge!

Download the iOSXpert PluginCenter for Daylite