Using the Touch Bar in combination with Daylite

Apple has offered MacBooks with Touch Bar for several years. A helpful tool that only replaces the standard function keys at first glance. The Touch Bar makes it even easier to use many apps. Apple shows what the Touch Bar can do very clearly here.

Setting up the Touch Bar for Daylite

To use the Touch Bar for Daylite, you need a helping app. BetterTouchTool allows you to configure the Touch Bar for apps like Daylite. Within BetterTouchTool, in the left sidebar, select the desired app, and with a click on “Add TouchBar Button” the configuration can begin. Then, one by one, assign the desired Daylite shortcuts and add icons if desired. This is how quickly Apple’s feature becomes a practical additional tool for Daylite users. Click here to go to the BetterTouchTool website.

Daylite and the Touch Bar – a strong team

A summary of how to set up Apple’s Touch Bar for Daylite:

  • Open BetterTouchTool
  • Select App, select Daylite
  • Select “Add Touch Bar Button”
  • Add shortcuts to the Touch Bar as desired