The Apple Watch – A raving success
The online pre-selling of the Apple Watch on April 10th was a big success and the watch was sold out within hours. That was to be expected because rumours about it where already around for two years. By the time Apple presented the Apple Watch on September 9th 2014 it was clear to anyone: This watch will definitely change the smartwatch market, and yes, perhaps even the traditional watch market.
Since then, the media are full of articles and reports about the watch. The first people have already tested it and now it will be delivered in Germany. At iOSXpert we have ordered some models as well of course. As Apple users but also as Apple software developers we find it exciting to use, test and evaluate the Apple Watch.
On Friday, april 25th the first Apple Watch models have arrived in Bendorf. The watch is absolutely stunning and inspiring! The design is fantastic, the build quality is excellent as always and the product really feels premium in the hand and on the wrist – as expected of Apple.
Our support team has already gathered some first improssions: “The user experience is a little unusual at first but you get used to it very fast” says Sebastian Brauneck. “To receive notifications on your wrist and answering them directly without pulling out your iPhone is pretty neat.”
New business opportunities with the Apple Watch
We will not give you an unboxing video, a review or an exerpt of the long feature list of the Apple Watch at this point – there are already enough of those on the internet. Instead our focus is a little different: It’s on the great business opportunities that the Apple Watch brings with it.
Because the Apple Watch is not just a fancy watch on your wrist, but it can also provide you with important infomation fast and easy. New possibilities to work more productively open up. We will talk more about this later. Of course there are apps like weather or travel information in real time but there are also good productivity apps for businesses. As an example we would like to mention banking apps to check your account balance or even make payments. Or to-do lists, reminders, notes, etc. that save us the trouble of grabbing our iPhone from our pockets.

Because we provide business software to companies who work on Mac and iPhones, of course we think about the integration of the Apple Watch as well. Our partner Marketcircle has already introduced a new product to the family: Billings Pro for Apple Watch.
Marketcircle pondered on what made the most sense for you as our customers. What do people need to do more quickly, conveniently, and discreetly? What do people want to be able to start doing on the watch, then finish on the iPhone? The answer… is track time. Your time is not something you can get back. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you track your time accurately. So you can get paid for what is most valuable.
Being able to easily track time when you’re on the go or in a client meeting is key for maintaining accurate time slips. But pulling out your iPhone or iPad to start a timer while in a client meeting can be a bit of a faux pas, as it’s expected that you give your clients your full attention. Now with Billings Pro on the Apple Watch, you can discreetly track your time with just a tap on your wrist. You can read more about Billings Pro on the Apple Watch on the website of Marketcircle.
Lots of new possibilities for businesses with the Apple Watch
But we also think ahead. The Marketcircle development team is already exploring possibilities for Daylite on the Apple Watch. But developing software for the watch is very different than developing software for the iPhone or iPad. With limited screen space, having all the same functionality on the watch as the iPhone or iPad just doesn’t make sense. Designing for the Apple Watch is like designing a sidekick for the iPhone.
Business life will also profit because we will be able to do payments with the watch or we could be able to send contact information or even make real time offers to clients that have just entered our store. There are many more ideas that could come true. iOSXpert CEO Alf Ruppert looks forward to those opportunities: “I believe that the Apple Watch heralds a new era for wearables. In the future the way we deal with these devices will change. It will be normal to wear smart watches and other smart devices. It will be integrated into our lives. That opens many doors for businesses!”
All of this will be perfectly normal to us in a few years. And we at iOSXpert look forward to this exciting time!
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