Effective customer segmentation is a key to the success of any business. However, it is often a time-consuming task that takes up valuable resources and can impact efficiency. It becomes particularly complicated when specific criteria need to be filled, such as a list of all the CEOs of A customers in Berlin.

How long do you think it would take to create this list manually? Minutes? Hours? Sometimes, depending on the size of the database and the complexity of the search criteria, this can be a tedious task. But fortunately, there are solutions that can revolutionize this process.

Segmentation with Daylite is as simple as this

  1. Define filter criteria: To create a list of all people with the role of CEO of A clients in Berlin, simply use Daylite’s filter options. Select the appropriate criteria:
    • Role: CEO
    • Customer type: A-customers
    • Location: Berlin
  2. Save filter: With just one click on Daylite’s filter function, your list is generated in seconds. The software scans your entire database and filters out exactly those contacts that meet all the criteria you have specified.

Effective customer segmentation doesn’t have to be a time-consuming and complicated task. With Daylite, you can segment your customers easily and efficiently, and in record time. So why spend hours manually creating lists when you can do it in less than a minute?

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