Pimp your Chimp with the MailChimpConnector 3.0!
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The MailChimpConnector integrates MailChimp – the world’s leading online newsletter service – into your Daylite even better now!
That’s new:
You can see the reports of your campaigns directly in Daylite.
The new MailChimp tab shows the reports and statistical analyses of your newsletter campaigns directly in Daylite.
The synchronization is much faster.
A new synchronization mechanism guarantees a much faster synchronization of MailChimp and Daylite.
A log of the synchronization process gives you an overview!
The log shows which contacts were added, updated or unsubscribed. Errors like invalid e-mail addresses are marked accordingly.
The log is being saved in the Timeline
The synchronization log will be saved in the Daylite timeline of your group and can be viewed anytime.
Define segments directly within via drag&drop
Use the new MailChimp segmenting feature and segment your newsletter groups in Daylite.
Hint: Use to Mail Designer Pro for even more creative newsletter campaigns in responsive design. An interface to MailChimp allows you to benefit from the advantages of both services. The Mail Designer Pro is now available for the introductory offer of only $ 49,99.