Blueprints and checklists
Your workflow as project template
Exclusively for Mac, iPhone & iPad
Blueprints and checklists
Your workflow as project template
Exclusively for Mac, iPhone & iPad

Activity sets: Better than any checklist
With Daylite, you can create task chains, designate timelines and define responsibilities for each individual task. Remind your entire team of outstanding tasks with one click.

Turn your workflow into a project template
Dealing with a similar or reoccurring project? Turn your project workflow into a template by defining specific project phases and creating tasks/deadlines for your team.

Uniform sales procedure
To ensure future consistency across your team and procedures, turn your sales methodology into an accessible template.
Define your workflow once and benefit continuously
With routine tasks and recurring activities, minor details can sometimes slip through the cracks. Constantly recreating similar to-dos can be monotonous and time consuming. With Daylite, you can create templates for tasks, projects or sales opportunities and set reminders for each. Sift through a variety of different display settings to view your open tasks and projects.
Most important features
- Set tasks:Create task chains, assign time sequences and delegate responsibilities with a single click.
- Project templates:: Adapt Daylite to match your workflow by creating templates for different projects.
- Sales workflow: : Save your sales methodology as a template for future sales opportunities. This way, everyone can work uniformly and sales opportunities can be compared apples-to-apples.
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