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Auerbach Schifffahrt GmbH & Co. KG

Branch:          Shipping Company

Seats:                02

Website:         http://www.auerbach-schifffahrt.de


Auerbach Schifffahrt is Lucius Bunk and Alexander Tebbe. In 2010 – in the middle of the crisis – the economist and the shipping merchant decided to develop a concept for a new shipping company. A company that goes back to the central core of international maritime and merchant shipping: cargo and cargo.

To be optimally positioned in the capital-intensive shipping market, the two managing directors decided to use Daylite for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for Mac.

Privately, Bunk and Tebbe had both long since decided in favor of Mac computers: good experiences with the system and a low error rate were the decisive points for Apple products.

Therefore, it was obvious that the new company should also be based on Apple technology. It quickly became clear that the requirements of the two young entrepreneurs far exceeded the possibilities of Apple’s onboard programs. In an online webcast, the two entrepreneurs got to know Daylite.

They particularly appreciated the mobile access to contacts that Daylite Touch offers: “In an industry where the network is so crucial, contacts must also be maintained on the road – especially abroad,” says Lucius Bunk.

Although Daylite has only been actively used in the company since March 2012, the integration between e-mail, calendar and contacts has already brought about significant improvements in their process.

Whether customers, partners or potential investors: thanks to the combination of Daylite and Daylite Touch, appointments, e-mail correspondence and contact data can be accessed anytime, anywhere in the world. An indispensable plus point for a young, globally active company.

Mr. Bunk is completely convinced of Daylite’s value: “Especially in the expansion of our company, the advantages of Daylite will become even more apparent. The foundation stone has been laid”.

Reliability, honesty and transparency – for Lucius Bunk and Alexander Tebbe, these principles form the basis of trust and thus, of sustainably successful business relationships. They do not allow themselves to compromise with their partners.

Their promise to customers and partners is: We are there for you around the clock. And always when you need us. Daylite helps the two ship owners to keep this promise.