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uberMetrics Technologies GmbH

Branch:            Software as a Service

Seats:                20

Website:          http://www.ubermetrics-technologies.com/


uberMetrics Technologies GmbH is a young start-up company from Berlin. According to the principle “Do It Yourself,” they develop user-friendly and data protection compliant technologies for media monitoring, enabling press officers to continuously follow relevant topics in the social web, TV, radio, and print media.

Set up with 23 employees, uberMerics develops in-house, the software solution uberMetrics DELTA, which connects media monitoring with both press review and crisis management on all channels. The coverage and distribution of advertising messages are shown in order to identify viral developments and influencers in real-time.

Winner of the IT Best of 2013 innovation award, uberMetrics DELTA is the only monitoring tool that can be used to monitor public online communication such as social media and blogs, as traditional offline media channels such as TV & Radio can also be watched.

uberMetrics relies entirely on Apple in the area of hardware.
Thanks to Daylite, you can keep track of all projects and sales opportunities.
Daylite supports the entire team – especially in the evaluation of processes and the reporting of projects and opportunities.
“Daylite ensures transparency and continuity for us. Everyone in the team should always be able to see the current status of projects and customer relationships. Daylite saves time and nerves at this point” – says Marketing Manager Anjou Müller-Pering.

For uberMetrics, a complete transparency of all customer relationships is of particular importance. With Daylite they succeed – the whole team is always up-to-date.