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This course is part of our Daylite Business Coaching. You are already a Daylite Business Coaching customer? Login >>

Course: The Personal Calendar

We start most workdays by looking into the calendar.
Daylite offers us multiple tools to manage our appointments efficiently. This course teaches the basics about your Daylite calendar, but also how to best link other Daylite objects to appointments and even how to integrate Zoom!

Duration: about 40 minutes


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The Calendar Views

Why are Categories Important for Calendars

Test: Calendar Basics


Linking a Daylite Object to an Appointment

Changing the Visibility of an Appointment

Creating an Appointment from an E-Mail

Inviting a Coworker to an Appointment

Test: how do I create and edit appointments

Inviting a Third Party to an Appointment

Inviting a Third Party to an Appointment

Adding a Video Conference to an Appointment

Creating an Email Invite Template

Test: Appointments with external contacts