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Course: Logging Communication with Customers

There are days when the phone doesn’t stop ringing. Notes are hastily done on paper sheets, post-its on the colleagues’ computer displays represent callback requests.
Paper however gets lost quickly.
And come next week, who’ll remember what a phone call from last week was all about or if all those callbacks actually happened?
Daylite and our extension Fone&Text allow you to log all incoming and outgoing phone calls and have them linked into the activity history of the contact. The information is then available for the entire team at all times.
That way you know even after two years what deal you made with which client.
Callback requests can also be delegated with Daylite, and you can see if the task was completed.

Duration: about 45 minutes


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Logging inbound phone calls

Logging outbound phone calls

Advanced Call Logging

Follow up actions for calls

Test: Logging incoming and outgoing phone calls